
FXトレーダー必見: FX/為替「ドル/円、152.75円=200日線を巡る攻防 カギは米CPI」 外為どっとコム トゥデイ 2025年2月12日号の最新経済ニュース


# 1-1. 背景情報の説明

FX(外国為替証拠金取引)は、異なる通貨間での取引を行う金融市場であり、投資家は通貨の価値の変動を利用して利益を得ることを目指します。その中で、「ドル/円」という通貨ペアは、アメリカドルと日本円の交換比率を示し、世界中の投資家にとって非常に重要な指標となっています。2025年2月12日号の「外為どっとコム トゥデイ」では、ドル/円が152.75円というラインを巡る攻防に注目しています。この152.75円という水準は、200日移動平均線と接点を持ち、テクニカル分析において重要なサポート・レジスタンスのレベルと見なされています。

米国のCPI(Consumer Price Index:消費者物価指数)は、インフレの動向を示す重要な経済指標であり、為替市場における投資家の期待感や行動に大きく影響を与えます。2025年の米CPIの発表が近づくにつれ、ドルの価値に対する市場の反応が注目されることでしょう。特に、CPIが予想よりも高い場合は、米国の金利引き上げ期待が高まり、ドルが強くなる可能性があります。逆に、CPIが低い結果が出れば、ドル安に拍車がかかるかもしれません。このように、FX市場は常に経済指標や市場の動向によって変動するため、投資家は敏感に情報をキャッチし、戦略を立てる必要があります。


# 1-2. 重要な用語の解説




# 2-1. 雑学や知識を記述




# 3-1. 歴史や背景を深堀りして説明




# 4-1. 現代における影響や重要性を説明




# 5-1. よくある質問とその回答

**Q1: 200日移動平均線は何のために使われるのですか?**
A1: 200日移動平均線は、長期的なトレンドを把握するための指標です。価格がこのラインを上回ると上昇トレンドと見なされ、下回ると下降トレンドと判断されることが一般的です。

**Q2: 米CPIの発表はどのように為替市場に影響しますか?**
A2: 米CPIの結果が予想より高いと、インフレ懸念から金利上昇が期待され、ドルが強くなることがあります。逆に、予想を下回ると金利の引き上げ期待が薄れ、ドル安になりやすいです。

**Q3: レバレッジをかけるメリットとデメリットは何ですか?**
A3: メリットは少ない資金で大きなポジションを取れることですが、デメリットは損失も大きくなるため、慎重な運用が必要です。

# 6-1. 同じ内容の英語訳文

1-1. Background Information

Forex (foreign exchange) trading involves the exchange of different currencies and aims for investors to profit from fluctuations in currency values. Among these, the “USD/JPY” currency pair, representing the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Japanese yen, is a significant indicator for investors worldwide. In the February 12, 2025 issue of “Gaitame.com Today,” the focus is on the battle around the level of 152.75 yen, which intersects with the 200-day moving average and is considered an important support and resistance level in technical analysis.

The US CPI (Consumer Price Index) is a crucial economic indicator that reflects inflation trends and has a profound impact on investor expectations and behaviors in the forex market. As the announcement of the US CPI approaches in 2025, market reactions to the value of the dollar will be closely watched. If the CPI exceeds expectations, it raises the likelihood of an interest rate hike, potentially strengthening the dollar. Conversely, a lower CPI result could lead to further dollar depreciation. Therefore, the forex market is highly sensitive to economic indicators and market trends, requiring investors to effectively capture information and develop their strategies.

In this context, understanding how the level of 152.75 yen functions as a technical indicator and how the US CPI influences the market is vital for forex trading. Investors utilize this information to construct their trading strategies and maximize their chances of profit.

1-2. Explanation of Important Terms

To understand forex trading, it is essential to know several important terms. The “USD/JPY” pair indicates the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Japanese yen, showing how many yen are required to buy one dollar, with terms like dollar appreciation (yen depreciation) or dollar depreciation (yen appreciation) used.

Next, the “200-day moving average” is an indicator that represents the average value of USD/JPY over the past 200 days, used by traders to grasp long-term trends. When the moving average is above the price, it indicates a downtrend, while below suggests an uptrend. Hence, moving averages often function as support or resistance levels, making them a critical analysis tool for traders.

The “CPI (Consumer Price Index)” measures the price changes of goods and services purchased by consumers over a specific period. As an inflation indicator, it shows whether prices are rising or falling. A rising CPI indicates inflation, while “disinflation” refers to slowing inflation rates. In the forex market, these indicators significantly impact currency values, particularly given their direct correlation to central bank monetary policies, making it essential for traders to pay close attention to these indicators.

2-1. Trivia and Knowledge

The forex market contains interesting trivia that investors can boast about knowing. One notable fact is that the history of forex trading is quite ancient, as the foreign exchange market transitioned to a floating exchange rate system after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971. From this time onward, exchange rates were determined by market supply and demand, and the spread of the internet made it easier for individual investors to enter the market.

Additionally, forex trading operates around the clock, with trades occurring based on the opening hours of various financial markets. For instance, while the Tokyo market is open, Asian currencies are in focus; then as the London market opens, European currencies take precedence, followed by the New York market with the US dollar. This means that certain timeframes can see increased trading volumes and higher volatility, making timing crucial for traders.

Furthermore, the concept of “leverage” is widely used in forex trading. Leverage allows investors to control larger positions with a smaller capital investment. For example, with a leverage of 10 times, an investment of 100,000 yen can control a position worth 1,000,000 yen. However, this comes with risks, as losses can also be magnified, requiring careful management. Deepening knowledge of the forex market enables investors to engage in more strategic trading.

3-1. History and Background

The history of USD/JPY is closely linked with the economic changes of Japan and the United States. The collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971 led to the US dollar transitioning to a floating exchange rate, allowing the USD/JPY to be freely traded. During this period, the Plaza Accord contributed to a stronger yen, as Japan experienced significant economic growth, enhancing the yen’s international status.

In the 1990s, the bursting of the asset bubble caused a long-term stagnation in the Japanese economy. As a result, the yen became a very strong currency against the dollar, resulting in a decline in the USD/JPY pair. However, from the late 2000s, Japan’s monetary easing policies gradually led to yen depreciation, resulting in increased volatility in the USD/JPY exchange rate, particularly after the financial crisis in 2008, when the yen surged due to risk-averse behavior.

In the 2000s, policies such as Abenomics further promoted yen depreciation. The US also expanded quantitative easing, and from 2015 onward, low interest rates contributed to significant fluctuations in the USD/JPY. This background highlights why the USD/JPY exchange rate, particularly at the level of 152.75 yen in 2025, is crucial for long-term trend analysis.

4-1. Influence and Importance in Modern Times

In the modern forex market, the movement of USD/JPY plays a vital role in the global economy. The US and Japan, as key countries in the world economy, have monetary and interest rate policies that can ripple through other currencies. For instance, when the dollar strengthens, the yen typically weakens, impacting emerging market currencies and commodity currencies as well, thereby requiring a global perspective in analysis.

Moreover, the USD/JPY rate directly connects to Japan’s export industry and corporate profits. As yen depreciation occurs, Japanese products become cheaper in overseas markets, potentially boosting exports and contributing to domestic economic recovery. Conversely, a strong yen can have the opposite effect, making the Japanese government and companies highly sensitive to exchange rate movements.

Finally, the USD/JPY exchange rate is also crucial for risk hedging and investment strategies. Many investors assess the movement of USD/JPY to diversify their assets and mitigate risk. Thus, USD/JPY is not just a currency pair but a critical indicator that significantly impacts international economic trends and corporate strategies.

5-1. Frequently Asked Questions

**Q1: What is the purpose of the 200-day moving average?**
A1: The 200-day moving average serves as an indicator to grasp long-term trends. When the price is above this line, it is generally viewed as an uptrend, while being below indicates a downtrend.

**Q2: How does the announcement of the US CPI affect the forex market?**
A2: If the US CPI results exceed expectations, it raises concerns about inflation, leading to stronger dollar values due to anticipated interest rate hikes. Conversely, lower-than-expected CPI results may weaken the dollar as expectations for rate increases diminish.

**Q3: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using leverage?**
A3: The advantage of leverage is the ability to control larger positions with smaller capital. However, the disadvantage is that losses can also be magnified, necessitating careful management of investments.

6-1. English Translation of the Same Content

The content has already been provided in English in sections 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, and 6-5, as the respective translations of the preceding sections.


